This article explores how to deploy a Virtual Resort, Vacation Condo, or Skyland Munzee from the Destination line of munzees. Keep in mind that:
- all Virtual Resorts must be at least 3,500 feet (1,065 meters) away from any other Resort
- all Vacation Condos must be at least 2,500 feet (762 meters) away from any other Condo
- all Skylands must be at least 4,000 feet (1,219.2 meters) away from any other Skyland
Unlike other virtual munzees, you cannot deploy a Virtual Destination from the website; you can only do so from the Munzee app. This means you will need to physically be at the location where you wish to deploy.
To deploy, first login to your munzee account on your smartphone and go to the “My Profile” section. Under the “Inventory” tab you will find a listing of your Undeployed Munzees. Click on “Undeployed Munzees” to pull up your Virtual Destination Munzee. Note, if you do not have any available, you can purchase Virtual Resorts, Vacation Condos, and Skylands at the Freeze Tag Online Store at select times.
Click on the Virtual Destination Munzee you wish to deploy. Then click the “Deploy” button at the bottom of the screen. Keep in mind the proximity rules for these munzees, which you can read about on the Destination Munzee page. If you do not meet the proper proximity guidelines, your screen will notify you and you will have to find another location to deploy your Virtual Destination.
You can also Quick Deploy a Virtual Destination Munzee from the map screen by long-pressing the capture icon at the bottom of the screen.
-- UPDATE: As of 05/11/2021 -- using the Quick Deploy option on Virtual Destinations will deploy them at your current location as always (due to the aforementioned restriction of you having to be at the location to deploy) while Quick Deploy for all other virtual types will deploy where the map is centered.