Strap on your Munzee seatbelts, because we are about to introduce you to some more complex Munzee types. Destination Munzees offer five types of unique Munzee lodging: Motels, Hotels, Virtual Resorts, Timeshares, and Vacation Condos. Destination Munzees allow players to realize the benefits of multiple munzees in one location without additional stickers or pins on the map.
Destination Munzees are unique, as they offer available “rooms” upon being deployed for other players to “rent or own.” When players receive a room vacancy, a Munzee is automatically deployed with the particular Destination Munzee, which allows them to earn residual points. Therefore both the Destination Munzee owner and players who deploy at the munzee are able to earn points! Read on to learn more about these specific munzee types.
General Information
When the player who captures a Destination Munzee receives a room, they will actually be deploying a Munzee inside of the Destination Munzee (this will happen automatically). The players who own deploys in any Destination Munzees will then receive residual points based on captures that occur after the player has deployed in the Destination Munzee. Therefore, the earlier you capture a Destination Munzee, the more points you will receive through incoming residual points.
When purchasing any physical Destination credits, they will be added to the player account upon purchase and can be added to any regular munzee that has zero captures on it. The munzee selected can be deployed or undeployed, but it must have zero captures on it. (Check out How to Convert a Munzee Using Credits for more information.) You can add the specific Destination Munzee credit to your munzee under the admin tab.
Regarding Clan Wars, in order for Destination deployment points to count in the current Clan War, the Destination credits must be added to a munzee deployed during the same period. If you add a Destination credit to a Munzee deployed pre-Clan War, the points will not be added to the current battle points.
You can read below for a complete breakdown on how each of the Destination Munzee types work. These munzees may not be the most simplistic, but they do offer a fun opportunity for multiple players to earn points! Please note that there is no limit on Destination Munzee purchases.
Thanks for choosing the Munzee Motel for your stay. Munzee Motel, where our service is QRazy! Here is everything you need to know about the Munzee Motel:
- -- UPDATE: As of 03/09/2020 --
- Motel Munzees are now a star-based system. Each star ranking equals 5 rooms, so effective immediately all original Motel Munzees have been converted into 1-Star Motels. The icon images on the map are currently updating, but if you do see a “blank” or original Motel icon please note that, that is indeed a 1-Star Motel.
- Munzee Motels are available for purchase from the Freeze Tag Online Store as Destination Credits
- Just like before, you will need to convert a greenie to a 1-Star Motel using this credit
- All Motel Munzee credits have now been converted into Destination Credits.
- Unused pre-coded Munzee Motel stickers should still deploy 1-Star Motels.
- When deployed, each 1-Star Motel will have 5 rooms available for “rent” by the first 5 players to capture the 1-Star Motel; rooms are rented on a first come first serve basis
- You can Renovate Motels to add more rooms using Destination Credits.
- 1-Star Motel: 5 rooms (Standard Motel)
- 2-Star Motel: 10 Rooms
- 3-Star Motel: 15 Rooms
- You can Renovate Motels to add more rooms using Destination Credits.
- A Motel must be at least 750 feet (228.6m) from any other motel, but will follow all other normal proximity rules
- Points will depend on the number of rooms filled:
- Capture: 20 points per Motel, 20 points per room
- CapOn for the owner: 10 points per room filled + 10 points for Motel, 100 points if full
- CapOn for room owner: 50 - 10 depending on which room is owned. Here is some detailed math if you are interested. ((# of rooms filled + 1) - (room number)) x 10
- Deploy: Motel 100 points, Room 50 points
Thanks for choosing the Munzee Hotel for your stay. We promise your stay will be hauntingly good! Munzee Hotels are very similar to Munzee Motels, except for the starting number of rooms available (10), the proximity from other Hotels (2,000 feet), and the points. Here is everything you need to know about the Munzee Hotel:
- -- UPDATE: As of 10/18/2021 --
- Hotel Munzees are now a star-based system. Each star ranking equals 5 rooms, so effective immediately all original Hotel Munzees have been converted into 2-Star Hotels. The icon images on the map are currently updating, but if you do see a “blank” or original Hotel icon please note that, that is indeed a 2-Star Hotel.
- Hotels are available for purchase from the Freeze Tag Online Store as Destination Credits
- Just like before, you will need to convert a greenie to a 2-Star Hotel using this credit
- All Hotel Munzee credits have now been converted into Destination Credits.
- Since it takes 2 Destination Credits to deploy a Hotel, you should have received 2 Destination Credits per Hotel Credit
- Unused pre-coded Munzee Hotel stickers should still deploy 2-Star Hotels.
- When a Hotel Munzee is deployed, 10 rooms will be available for “rent” by the first 10 players who capture the Hotel Munzee
- A Hotel must be at least 2,000 feet (609.6m) from any other Hotel, but will follow all other normal proximity rules
- Points will depend on the number of rooms filled:
- Capture: 40 points per Hotel, 16 points per room
- CapOn for the owner: 10 points per room filled + 10 points for Hotel, 150 points if full
- CapOn for room owner: 100 - 10 depending on which room is owned. Here is some detailed math if you are interested. ((# of rooms filled + 1) - (room number)) x 10
- Deploy: Hotel 150 points, Room- 100 points
Virtual Resort
Welcome to the Munzee Virtual Resort! Are you ready to enjoy your stay in the most elite Munzee Destination? Here is everything you need to know about the Munzee Virtual Resort:
- -- UPDATE: As of 05/06/2021 --
- Virtual Resort Munzees are now a star-based system. Each star ranking equals 5 rooms, so effective immediately all original Virtual Resort Munzees have been converted into 3-Star Virtual Resorts. The icon images on the map are currently updating, but if you do see a “blank” or original Virtual Resort icon please note that, that is indeed a 3-Star Virtual Resort.
- The Virtual Resort must be deployed in-app and you must be at the location you want it to be deployed. It cannot be deployed online.
- Virtual Resort Munzees are available for purchase from the Freeze Tag Online Store
- This is a virtual game piece that offers 15 rooms available for “rent,” similar to Munzee Motels and Hotels (see above for specific details)
- You can Renovate Virtual Resorts to add more rooms using Destination Credits.
- 3-Star Virtual Resort: 15 rooms (Standard Virtual Resort)
- 4-Star Virtual Resort: 20 Rooms
- 5-Star Virtual Resort: 25 Rooms
- You can Renovate Virtual Resorts to add more rooms using Destination Credits.
- A Virtual Resort must be at least 3,500 feet (~1065 meters) away any other Virtual Resort
- Points will depend on the number of rooms filled:
- Capture: 15 points per Resort, 5 points per room --- Total ranges from 15 points (no rooms filled yet) to 90 (all 15 rooms filled)
- CapOn for the owner: 3 points per room filled + 3 points for Resort, 50 points if full
- CapOn for room owner: 45 - 3 depending on which room is owned. Here is some detailed math if you are interested. ((# of rooms filled + 1) - (room number)) x 3
- Deploy: 50 points
Welcome to the Munzee Timeshare! Yee-haw do we have a deal for you! Watch this video to learn more about the Munzee Timeshare. Here is everything you need to know about the Munzee Timeshare:
- The Munzee Timeshare is a physical credit available to all players from the Freeze Tag Online Store
- When deployed, each Munzee Timeshare will have 5 rooms available for “rent” to the first 5 players to cap the Timeshare; this will work just like the other Destination Munzees
- Unlike some of the other Destination Munzees (but similar to the Vacation Condo), the Munzee Timeshare rooms will only stay deployed for 30 days
- At the end of 30 days, the rented room will be archived and a new room will become available to the first player to capture the Timeshare
- This new room will be available for any player, including the person who just had their room archived, which means after 30 days you can recap to earn another room.
- A Timeshare must be at least 2,000 feet away any other Timeshares and 500 feet away from other physical Destination Munzees
- Points will depend on the number of rooms occupied:
- Capture: 50 points for Timeshare, 25 points per room
- CapOn: 100 points for Timeshare owner, 40 points for the owner of a room
- Deploy: Timeshare 100 points, 10 deploy points for room owner when a room is deployed
Vacation Condo
Thanks for choosing the virtual Vacation Condo for your stay! Are you ready to read about your beachside lodgings? Here is everything you need to know about the Vacation Condo Munzee:
- Available for purchase from the Freeze Tag Online Store
- The Vacation Condo must be deployed in-app and you must be at the location you want it to be deployed. It cannot be deployed online.
- This virtual munzee features 5 rooms, so the first 5 players to cap the Condo get a room deployed. Like the Munzee Timeshare, rooms stay deployed for 30 days. After 30 days, the rooms will be available for rent once more.
- Must be at least 2,500 feet (762 meters) away from any other Condos and 500 feet (152.4 meters) away from Virtual Resort Munzees.
- Capture radius of 500 feet (same as Resort), not blastable
- Points will depend on the number of rooms filled:
- Capture: 40 points per Vacation Condo, 20 points per room rented
- CapOn: 80 points for Vacation Condo owner, 40 points per owner of a room
- Deploy: 100 points, 10 points for room owner when a room is deployed
- To access the Vacation Condo, turn on your "Virtual - Destination" filter or select the "Premium - All Vacant Rooms" filter.
The Destination Renovation is currently only available for Motel and Virtual Resort Munzees, but it’s safe to say construction on other Destination Munzee types may break ground soon! You’ll be able to renovate both in the app AND on the Munzee website. Every time you renovate you’ll earn 50 points!
As stated above, all Motel Munzee credits have now been converted into Destination Credits. Players will use Destination Credits to both convert generic munzees into Motels, and also to renovate Motels and Virtual Resorts.
Anyone can renovate in the app:
- Navigate to the Munzee Details of the Motel or Virtual Resort you would like to renovate
- Tap on the blue [Renovate Destination] button at the bottom of the screen
- Confirm that you would like to use a Destination Credit in the following popup
- That’s it!
Only the player who owns the Motel or Virtual Resort OR ZeeQRew members will be able to renovate on the Munzee Website:
- Click [Edit Munzee] on the munzee you would like to renovate
- Click [Renovate]
- Click [Upgrade] on the level you would like to make the munzee
- The number on the left is your inventory of Destination Credits
- The number on the right is how many Credits it costs to renovate
- Confirm that you would like to use a Destination Credit in the following popup
- Success!