Welcome to Munzee!
The Munzee player community uses a lot of different terms for various aspects of the game. To help your transition as a new player we've compiled a list of some common terms you'll come across when you interact with other players. This list is a work in progress so if you have any suggestions please reach out to us iloveyou@munzee.com!
Terms are listed in alphabetical order:
Abbreviated Munzee Terms: Players have come up with a number of unofficial abbreviations used throughout the game. Some of the most common ones for deploying a physical munzee include "BOS" for back of sign and "LP" for light pole. Other abbreviations throughout the game include "RM" for RetireMyths, "AM" for AlternaMyths," and "MC" for Mythical Creatures.
AlternaMyths: These super rare munzees are deployed by MHQ staff and can be seen via the specials map. They include creatures such as the Fairy Godmother, the Siren, and the white ghost Hadavale. Capture all of the AlternaMyths deployed by an MHQ staff member in order to earn a special badge.
Badges: Along with points, there are a number of badges to earn based on a variety of different requirements from capturing certain numbers of specials to earning special numbers of points.
Blast Capture: “Blast caps” “bombs” “budgies” can be purchased from the Freeze Tag Online store and used in order to capture up to 100 munzees within 1 mile. If there are more than 100 munzees near you, it will capture the first 100. Multiple blast caps can be used in munzee-dense areas, such as Virtual Gardens where many people deploy. Be careful not to loudly shout you are blasting/bombing 100 munzees in certain areas. ;)
Bouncers: Term for all munzees that bounce from one to another around the world. These include Myths, Nomads, Seasonal Specials and more. Bouncers are broken up into three types: Player Owned Bouncers (POB), Team Owned Bouncers (TOB), and Munzee Owned Bouncers (MOB).
Cap: You “Capture” or “Cap” a munzee to earn points. This can be done by scanning a QR code on a Physical Munzee or by standing within the appropriate circumference to capture a Virtual Munzee. Open your map to see what munzees are around you and how far you will need to travel to cap them. Follow the notes in order to best locate Physical Munzees.
CapOn points: Capture On, in long form. These are points earned when another player captures a munzee you have deployed.
Clan Wars: A clan is a group of 10 munzers (term for Munzee players) that form a team and compete against other clans for the top ranking in the world. This is the first Munzee feature for competitive play. Clan Battles start on the 3rd of each month, and new Clan Wars rules are listed at the end of each month. Players are able to join new Clans from the 1st through the 2nd of each month. Many clans become close-knit like a family or community. They bond together and try to achieve certain levels, usually up to Level 5.
Clan Weapon Munzees: These munzees can only be earned during Clan Wars; i.e. mace, longsword, battle axe, the hammer, crossbow, catapult.
Chinese Zodiac Munzees: These Munzees represent Chinese Zodiological signs for each day of the week; any activity on that zodiac’s day is worth double points.
Deploy: Deploying is the term we use when you put out your own munzees for others to capture. Remember you can purchase munzees to deploy in the Freeze Tag Online Store!
Destination Munzees: includes Motels, Hotels, Virtual Resorts, and Timeshares. You can rent a room in these munzees depending on availability and earn residual CapOn points when others capture that munzee. The number of rooms varies based on type.
Earning points: There are three ways to earn points in Munzee: 1) deploying a munzee 2) capturing a munzee 3) having someone else capture a munzee you deployed.
Elemental Mystery Munzees: Includes Ice Mystery, Earth Mystery, Fire Mystery, Water Mystery, Air Mystery Virtual. Each award a randomized amount of points and also scatter new elemental munzees like Boulders and Feathers.
Evolution Munzees: Also known as “Evo” munzees, these are munzees that evolve in a set amount of time to different stages. Players can recapture them when they hit new forms. There are a wide variety of different Evo types including the farm set, which includes Evos like the Carrot (Carrot Seed, Carrot Plant, Carrot) and Milk (Calf, Cow, Milk).
Fancy Flats: Variants of Flat Friends that are Player-Owned Bouncers (as opposed to simple virtuals like regular Flat Friends). There are currently Fancy Flat Robs, Fancy Flat Matts, and Fancy Flat Lous.
Flat Friends Munzees: These two-dimensional characters represent various members of the Munzee staff. They include Flat Rob, Flat Lou, Flat Matt, and Flat Hammock. The Flat Friends come in virtual form, and previously appeared on the map according to schedules released at the end of each month. As of June 2020, Flat Friends always appear on the map.
Flat Objects Munzees: Like Flat Friends, these two-dimensional objects represent various members of the Munzee staff, also come in virtual form, and always appear on the map. More Flat Objects may be released in the future, so make sure to keep an eye out to learn more about our team!
Freeze Tag Online Store: This is the online store where munzees and other products can be purchased. Follow the Munzee Blog to always be up-to-date about new items and merchandise. Certain munzees can also be purchased from authorized resellers.
Gaming Munzees: This category of game pieces includes munzees that launch a minigame when captured. These include Rock Paper Scissors (RPS), Prize Wheels, and Bowling Ball Munzees.
GOTM: Our Garden(s) of the Month badge is awarded monthly to outstanding Virtual Garden builders and deployers. In order to be eligible for GOTM, the garden must follow the rules: 1. Must feature non-licensed character designs; 2. Must feature Garden Places Pin; 3. Must be built using a publically available spreadsheet that will be locked after it’s 100 percent deployed; 4.Ongoing nominations; players released throughout the year. This honor was started in 2019 due to the growing number of creative gardens being built around the world.
Greenie: Greenie is another term for “Generic” or “Regular” Physical Munzees because of the green pin color. These are the original munzees and a key component of the game. Generics are munzees that are purchased from the Freeze Tag Online Store for deploying. They may be converted to other types or used to replace missing munzees. Although they're lower in points, Greenies also attract a number of more valuable bouncing munzees- especially when you Magnetize them!
Iconic and Historical Location Munzees: These munzees are pulled from historic marker databases. They are a part of Tourism Munzees; i.e. TX, FL, CA, World Heritage, Great Britain, Australia, etc.
Jewels: These munzees include Diamond, Ruby, Aquamarine, Topaz, Virtual Emerald, Virtual Amethyst, Pink Diamond, Virtual Sapphire. Capture or deploy certain types in order to earn a special Family Jewels Badge!
Levels: Players advance to levels based on points earned, picking up special badges along the way.
Magnets: An item players can use on munzees to attract special bouncing munzees like Mythological Munzees and Specials. You can purchase magnets for physical or virtual munzees online from the Freeze Tag Online Store.
MHQ: Munzee Headquarters, can be used to define the Freeze Tag offices in McKinney, TX or the collective members of Team Munzee.
MHQ Time: Munzee is a worldwide game that is played in many countries, so to make things simple, we operate by the “Munzee Headquarters” (MHQ) timezone. Munzee is located in McKinney, Texas, which falls in the Central Time zone (CT).
MOB: This is the abbreviation for Munzee Owned Bouncers; these are rare bouncing munzees that are deployed on behalf of a generic Munzee account. They include any Global Grub icon, all Nomads, and any other seasonal special bouncing icon that might appear.
Mythological Munzees: These rare bouncing munzees come in many different forms including the Unicorn, Cyclops, Dragon and more. Myth Munzees are very popular among the playerbase for their exclusivity and high point structure. There are unique badge lines for most.
Nomads: These are full-time travelers that bounce around the map. They come in physical and virtual forms, and there are a number of different types. These are extremely rare so if you see one run for it!
Nudge: While some Myths come with the ability to be "nudged" others can be upgraded to nudge abilities with a Bouncer Upgrade Credit. The ability to be nudged is available only via the Munzee webpage (and not in the app) for selected munzees. It lets the Myth's owner "nudge" the bouncer to a new munzee up to three times a day, following the MHQ 24-hour day.
Personal Munzee: These munzees are moveable and popular at Munzee Events. Personal Munzees can’t be shared online, because unlike Social Munzees, they have to be deployed in specific locations. They can be deployed and moved up to 10 times a day. These munzees are often printed on metal tags, used as nametags, or found on vehicles. You are most likely to capture Personals at an event so find one nearby on our calendar!
Places Munzees: These are virtual pins that can be captured again every single day, based on the 24 hour MHQ timezone. They include Airport, Sports Stadium, Wildlife, Museum, University, Historical Place, Library, First Responders, Faith Place, Hospital, Post Office, Cemetery, Unique Attraction, Virtual Garden, and Cinema. These are available for purchase in limited quantities via the Freeze Tag store. These are also called "POI" or "Places Of Interest" by some players.
POB: The abbreviation for “Player Owned Bouncers;” includes Myths, Pouch Creatures, and all Fancy Flat Robs.
POTW/POTM: The former Player of the Week program has now been revamped as Player of the Month. Awards go out to multiple players each month based on different sets of criteria announced on the blog and sometimes call for player nominations.
Physical Munzees: Physicals are actual QR code stickers deployed in the world. You can find ones nearby by looking at your map and following the compass. Or you can read the notes for tips on where to find and Cap it. Physical Munzees have square icon shapes on the map, while Virtual Munzees have round icon shapes.
Pouch Creatures: These munzees are based on items from our sister game WallaBee. They are similar to Mythological Munzees, but have their own unique components. Many of them can level up based on captures; i.e. Vesi, Tuli, Muru, Mitmegu (some, like Hadavale, do not level up)
QR Code: What Munzee is all about! Quick Response Codes are what munzees are created on. Players can scan these codes to capture the munzee. They are most frequently found on stickers on lamp posts, signs, etc.
Referral Code: Every player has a unique Referral Code that they can share with new players in order to earn rewards and badges through our Referral Program. Check out the Referral Program page on your profile to find your code, the number of players you've introduced to the game, and the number of Referral Points you've earned. The Freeze Tag Online Store offers free digital Referral Cards, and well as Referral items items available for purchase.
RetireMyths: Any mythological munzee owned by Inactive/Retired players will be archived until the player becomes active again. RetireMyths only appear on the map at random intervals.
Rover: The beloved robo dog! You can buy a Rover from the store and unleash it into the Munzee world. When other people choose they can take it with them. Some players will pick up many Rovers at a time to travel across the world, and then they'll drop them off at a "kennel," which will register how many miles Rover has traveled.
RPS: Abbreviation for "Rock, Paper, Scissors" Munzee. When captured these munzees launch a Rock, Paper, Scissors minigame where players can earn more points if they win.
RUM: Abbreviation for "Reseller Unique Munzee." These munzees are only sold by authorized Munzee Resellers and each features that shops’ logo.
Seasonal Munzees: These munzees change with the season depending on the hemisphere! Depending on where the munzee is deployed it will be either Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall until the season changes.
Scatter Munzee: Both a specific type of munzee and a term for a gameplay feature. When some munzees are capped, including the scatter munzee, new munzees will be temporarily deployed nearby for extra points. The term “scattered” munzee usually means those with an expiration which have been deployed temporarily nearby.
Social Munzee: Social munzees are essentially locationless codes that don't have to be tied to a specific GPS coordinate. Many players use them as a calling card to prove they met someone. Others use them to mark special achievements or to reward players for deploying in gardens. They can be found anywhere, including online. There is a line of badges for capping socials, but they don’t offer points.
Trail Munzees: When capping a trail only the first munzee will be visible on the map, but as you capture each Trail Munzee the next in line will appear for you to follow.
TOB: The abbreviation for “Team Owned Bouncers;” these are bouncing munzees that are owned by Freeze Tag staff members. These include AlternaMyths and Pouch Creatures.
Tourism Munzees: These are a line of badges primarily linked to the Historic and Iconic Munzees from different countries around the world and states in the U.S.
Unicorn: Some might say the mythical horned horse is the unofficial mascot of Munzee, as well as a Mythological that comes in different variants. Don’t ask us how they became so prominent in the game, that was the players doing!
UTL: Abbreviation for "Unable to Locate." A player can mark a munzee “UTL” as a warning if the QR code sticker has seemingly gone missing.
Virtual Garden: Players known as “garden builders” create spreadsheets, which other players can deploy different colors of Virtual Munzees in, in order to build geographic works of art. When entirely deployed in, Virtual Gardens reflect images that are often special to the builder or area.
Virtual Munzee: Unlike physicals, virtuals are based on a specific range of GPS coordinates and do not need to be scanned to be captured. Virtual Munzees can be deployed from anywhere around the world via the online map, but they must be captured within a specific area. Virtual Munzees have round icon shapes, while Physical Munzees have square icon shapes.
Virts: Slang term for "virtual" munzee.
Western Zodiac Series: These Munzees represent Western Zodiological signs for different periods in time; any activity on that zodiac’s timeframe is worth double points.
ZeeOps: While Clan Wars offer group competition, these are personal missions that vary in difficulty level. You can set personal goals in the game to push yourself and advance further in Munzee. These Operations can be scheduled to include daily missions. Completing an Operation in full will award prizes.
ZeeQRew: An elite group of players who have been given the ability to upkeep the gameplay map and repair QR code game piece stickers. Players have been selected for ZeeQRew based on a distinct set of requirements including a specific number of captures and deploys, a current Premium Membership, and recent gameplay activity.
ZeeCret Weapons: Munzee game pieces that can only be earned by completing ZeeOps. These include the Briefcase and Night Vision Goggles Munzees.