PREVIOUS: Deploy a Physical Munzee | NEXT: Using the Web Map
There are several ways to earn points in munzee. You earn points for “capping” new game pieces, “deploying” game pieces, and “CapOn” points from when players capture your deployed game pieces. In order to earn deploy points, which will allow you to reap CapOn points, you will need to deploy a virtual munzee or place a physical game piece in locations where they can be found by other players. You will get points for deploying a munzee and for when other people find and scan that munzee. Point values vary by munzee type.
Below you can discover how to deploy a virtual munzee both online and from your phone.
How to Deploy a Virtual Munzee (Online)
In order to deploy a virtual from the web, login to your online profile and click on the virtual Munzee you wish to deploy from your undeployed list. If you do not have any undeployed munzees available, you can pick some up from the Freeze Tag Online Store.
Clicking “Undeployed” will pull up a list of all of the undeployed munzees you have. Select which munzee from the list you wish to deploy by clicking on it.
You will then be presented with the options to “Edit Munzee,” “Edit Location,” and “Convert.”
“Edit Munzee” will allow you to add in a name for your munzee, as well as notes on to how to find the munzee. Be sure to press “Update” to save the information. You will also notice the “Deploy” button. You will deploy the munzee after you have filled out the rest of the necessary information.
“Edit Location” will allow you to plug in the latitude and longitude coordinates of where you wish to deploy your munzee. Remember to adhere to proper proximity rules depending on what type of virtual munzee you are deploying. You will need to add in the coordinates before you press “Deploy.”
You will also have the option of using the “Convert” button to convert your virtual munzee into different colors with Color Credits. If you do not have any available Virtual Color Credits, you can pick some up from the Freeze Tag Online Store.
The option to convert your munzee is entirely optional. Note that once you have converted your munzee, you cannot change it back or convert it to anything else.
Once you are satisfied with the Name, Notes, Coordinates, and possible Conversion, you can go back to the “Edit Munzee” tab and click “Deploy.” If your munzee does not adhere to proper proximity rules, it will not deploy, and you will have the option of adjusting the coordinates.
For example, you should keep in mind that regular Virtual Munzees must be at least 50 feet apart from other virtual munzees and at least 150 feet apart from any other virtual munzees you have deployed. After your munzee has been successfully deployed, you will be able to view it from the Deployed list on your player profile, where you can go to edit the munzee if needed.
How to Deploy a Virtual Munzee (Phone)
There are two ways in which a player can deploy a virtual munzee from their phone. To check on Virtual Munzee inventory, players will simply need to go to their profile, select the Inventory tab and tap on Undeployed Munzees. Underneath this option, players will also be able to view Zeds, Deploy Credits, Boosters, and QRates available.
To deploy from the phone, go to your player profile and select the Inventory tab. Click on Undeployed Munzees and scroll to the virtual munzee that you wish to deploy. Swipe left on the munzee to pull up the option to Deploy. Click the Deploy button to deploy the munzee where you are. As is the case with deploying a virtual munzee online, you will be able to add notes, adjust the munzee coordinates, and convert the munzee if desired.
How to Quick Deploy a Virtual Munzee (Phone)
Players also have the option to quick deploy from their phones. To quick deploy a munzee, simply go to the map and hold down on the QR code button at the bottom center of the screen that you would usually use to capture munzees. This will allow you to deploy a virtual munzee in the area if there isn’t already one deployed. If you are not outside of the radius of other munzees, you will not be able to deploy (see below). After you successfully quick deployed a Virtual Munzee, you will have the option to convert it if there are any applicable color credits available on your account.
Suggested Reading: How to Convert a Munzee Using Credits
NEXT: Using The Web Map