In order to keep the map consistently full of munzees ready for capture, we have established a protocol for inactive account archival, as well as for retiring accounts. Before becoming Domant or Inactive, players will receive an email with a code in it. Players do not have to scan this specific code to stay active. In order to remain active, they must simply cap or deploy any munzee. At any point in time, players can cap or deploy to instantly have their status changed back to active.
Dormant Accounts
Accounts that have not shown activity for a minimum of 180 days are considered Dormant, and some of the physical munzees from these accounts will be archived. Physical munzees created by individual players (as opposed to official MHQ stickers with generic codes) that have not seen activity in the past 180 days will be archived from Dormant accounts in order to open up new deploy opportunities for active players.
Inactive Accounts
Accounts that have not shown activity for 365 days or greater are considered Inactive accounts. A number of Virtuals of “Inactive” players will be undeployed, and their coordinates will be reset. They will then be placed back in their Undeployed list. If these players become active again, they will be able to deploy them again anywhere in the world. Some accounts will have all remaining deploys archived during their Inactive status due to Unable to Locate, Needs Repair, or general lack of activity on deployed munzees. The Inactive account passes through multiple stages of archival as time away from the game passes. “Inactive” and “Dormant” players receive an email with this information as a warning.
Any Myth owned be an Inactive or Retired account will be archived until the player becomes active again. To offer more capping opportunities, these abandoned Myths will at various times return to the game in the form of RetireMyths that land on the same types of munzees as their regular Myth counterpart.
In order to keep capping and deploy opportunities open, we encourage players to help clean up the map if there are munzees that are not seeing activity. ZeeQRew and QRew (considered “ZeeQRew Jr.”) are elite groups of players that assist in keeping the map clean by replacing missing munzees in order to assist with upkeep. Special QRewzee Munzees are visible to these players on certain days of the month in order to indicate munzees that have not seen activity within the last 365 days.
Zombie Pouch Creatures
Any Pouch Creature owned by an Inactive or Retired account will be archived until the player becomes active again. The Zombie Pouch Creatures will work the same way that RetireMyths do, becoming active at certain times and landing on the same types of munzees as their regular Pouch Creature counterpart.